I'm going to have a bit of a break from writing letters to you. I'm afraid I am not magnanimous in defeat, I am bitterly disappointed that your party, built as it is on broken promises, bare-faced lies, incompetent ministers, inhumane policies, and the premise that the wealthy and privileged should have their status very much protected and enhanced, at the expense of all those further down the ladder.
Still, I'm sure you can be magnanimous in victory can't you? You know, shake hands with your constituency opponents, try not to look too smug, don't rub people's noses in it. You can do this can't you Claire?
It would appear not. After trying to hold the moral high ground with regard to your election banners being defaced, you evidently feel that it's appropriate to tweet something thoroughly unpleasant to Mark Reckless after his defeat. Your gracious comment "Hallelujah Mark Reckless out. Don't let the door hit your fat arse as you leave." has told everyone what sort of an unpleasant, gloating, belligerent piece of nastiness you really are.
Even your party's daily paper, the Torygraph, carried an article saying you should have known better. I despise UKIP as much as I do the Tories, but your comment smacks of sycophancy, looking for that next step up the ladder: "Here David, over here David, look it's me, your faithful party poodle Claire Perry. Look what I said to that nasty Mark Reckless. Aren't I funny. Go on David, chose me for the cabinet please. I'm ever so ambitious, and I'd like to carry on feathering my own nest, and pretending I'm a worthy member of the human race, even though I have never achieved anything worthy in my entire political career. I can be Prime Minister David, really I can. Look how much I suck up to everyone."
Mark Reckless might have a well-upholstered backside, but at least he doesn't dye his hair in a 'mutton-dressed-as-(tory)-lamb' kind of way.
I also saw a video of you being interviewed by a student, I think it was at St John's in Marlborough. You were so utterly patronising and condescending to that girl interviewing you. It was truly a revolting spectacle. It was an exercise in egotistical narcissism. A real 'licking the mirror' moment.
The letters will stop for a while. I don't know how long for, but I suspect that once the DWP finally reveal the number of deaths their policies have caused since 2011, there'll be plenty to share with a wider audience.
Carry on the self-adoration Claire, you're worth it.
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