Monday, 4 May 2015

3 days to go - In which David is not panicking at all. No siree - he's got this one in the bag!


Dear Claire,

Well it’s really heating up now. Cameron insisting that Miliband is panicking, Cameron insisting that Clegg is panicking, Cameron insisting that the SNP will be part of any coalition with Labour, and most insistent of all, Cameron insisting that the Tories will have a majority!

Well, that’s a laugh, because all the online polls put Tory & Labour support at roughly 280-285 seats each, so whichever party gets the most seats will have to do some serious arse-licking to form a majority government. Anyway, we’ll come back to that later.

A few things that have come to light in the last 24 hours or so: Cameron has chickened out of yet another debate! No surprise there.

Cameron snubbed a key rally with hundreds of first-time voters today (4th May). More than 2,200 students, community campaigners and faith leaders will take part in an assembly in Westminster.

They will debate key issues including poor social care, low pay and debt. Miliband and Clegg will be there, but Dave Snooty has ducked out AGAIN! That’s the fifth debate he has either chickened out of, or fixed things such that there won’t be any awkward questions. Cameron has gone to speak to Tory party loyalists. Why? If they’re already Tory sycophants, why does he need to talk to them? Should he not be trying to justify his policies? Or might it be that he would need to defend the indefensible? Cameron is avoiding ANY situation in which he may get an awkward question, be it from another politician or a member of the public. He’s fooling no one. He is chickening out.

Cameron insisting that Miliband and Clegg are panicking rings a little hollow in the light of Cameron avoiding yet another debate. If anything, Dave Snooty himself is panicking. The problem is, Claire, the cat is out of the bag. People KNOW what a shambles it’s been these last five years.

The DWP deaths, the false claims on turning the economy round, the steady erosion of human rights, the silencing of any whistle-blowers working in public office, the sheer abject misery inflicted on millions of people, well, those that weren’t killed by the DWP that is. The lies, the false promises, the refusal to debate the opposition. The utter failure to deliver on a single commitment from the “Contract between the Conservative Party and you”, the Orwellian nightmare that is the Tory party in government. I thought it was traditionally the far left that was supposed to be covertly going for the control of free speech and the removal of democratic rights. Instead, I’m waiting for the knock on the door any night now under this Tory regime!

I’m currently reading a very interesting book on the Kim dynasty in North Korea. It doesn’t take much of a leap to imagine…, I’m being silly now. The Tories would never remove the right to free speech would they? Would they Claire?

A lovely snippet of your past has recently shown up on the internet again. I had completely forgotten about this: this was your famous remark about poor people having children:  

You were attending a Commons committee hearing when a Labour MP said the £190 hand-out, paid to all pregnant women, prevented many being plunged into abject poverty by the expense of having a baby. You said "Given that the families are in extreme poverty, as the honourable lady points out, should they be having children at that point?" Labour MP Alison McGovern later described your comment as being "like something out of the Victorian era"!

I’m struggling to think of a single nice thing I can say about the Tory party. Maybe we’ll give the last word to Graham Whitam, a Tory councillor in Sutton for more than 50 years. Last week, he publicly quit the Tories and is now backing the Lib Dem candidate. Bit of an embarrassment eh?

Here’s the good bit: Mr Whitam described the Tory manifesto as "an uncosted fantasy"!
You see, not everyone is fooled by Osborne ducking the question about where the £12billion savings will be made from.

We fight on.

Kind regards,


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