Dear Claire,
Another fairly short letter because it's Easter Monday and we've got family and friends here, but I'm just taking a few minutes out to make sure you don't feel deprived of my daily correspondence!
Anyway, as promised in the first letter to you a week ago, there’ll be quite a few letters regarding Duncan Smith’s abject failure in his job as DWP secretary, and this will be one of them. Today’s letter is a real corker.
Kayley Desmond was 14 months old when serial killer Beverley Allitt tried to kill her. Years later she was awarded compensation for her disabilities which were caused by Allitt. The government is now saying that once Kayley reached 18, her disability payments should have been reduced because she has 'savings' i.e the compensation she received!! Her parents have always been told that this would not be the case. Her mum has now received a demand for over £23,500! This is not acceptable; the compensation was to help Kayley have a better life. As it is, she will have to rely on other people for the rest of her life. Her parents won’t be around forever.
Another depressingly real example of the complete and utter chaos IDS has caused in his current role. In case you haven’t seen it, go onto YouTube and type in Glenda Jackson Iain Duncan Smith, and watch Glenda tearing IDS off a strip about the terrible things his incompetent leadership of DWP has caused. If he wasn’t afforded the protection of Parliament, he would be liable to prosecution for wilful negligence and cruelty, as well as facing a discipline action and being fired.
Shame on the Tories for continuing to protect this hubristic, self-aggrandising, arrogant, despicable despot.
I don’t know if you realise the bad feeling this idiot has caused toward the Tories. I do hope you and your colleagues can see past the rhetoric, the broken promises, the failure to answer a single question, as well as the abject penury and desperation this man has visited on so many of the country’s most vulnerable people.
When is anyone in your party going to do anything about this?
Kind regards
p.s. I don't know if you've seen this, but there is a Facebook group called "Dear Claire Perry", which I set up and maintain. All these letters are published there every day. The next move will be a website!!
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