Thursday, 16 April 2015

21 days to go - In which we see how the two party system is dead. It needs replacing.


Dear Claire,

It's been a long day and I've been out all day on business, so I'll just pass comment on the last couple of hours of political debate on TV.


Is he that scared of going face to face with Ed Miliband? Is his record in government so indefensible that he shies away from any challenge?

The Paxman thing was lukewarm at best. Paxo gave them both a roasting, but there was no Labour v Tory debate.

Even though the 7-way debate was diluted by the number of candidates, Cameron still managed to make a complete arse of himself.

Miliband challenged him directly tonight - let's see if he'll rise to the challenge. Is he that 'feart' (copyright M Thatcher) of Labour?

Anyway, enough for now, but utterly pathetic that Cameron wimped out, again, of talking directly to Ed. He talks about strong leadership, yet is scared to go up against his challenger.

I think the major disappointment for the electorate is that they can't vote Plaid Cymru or SNP in this election. An alliance of the three ladies on tonight's stage would be just what the country needs to kiss the toxic legacy of the Tories goodbye.

Not stunningly impressed with last night's hustings - very lukewarm, though I would declare it a tie between Chris Watts (Labour) and Manda Rigby (LD). The Green Party candidate was a bag of nerves, which was unfortunate. The UKIP man was not quite as instantly loathsome as most of his colleagues, but then we didn't cover immigration. Your performance was the standard polished, self-assured ex-management consultant. Very smooth, focussed on the emotive issues, a few cheap (inaccurate) jibes at Chris Watts, but nothing new.

I loved the touch of humility at the end "I hope I've done enough to earn your vote" - if they dressed a chimpanzee up with a blue rosette, it'd be voted in with a thumping majority.

The big problem we have is the existing 2 party system. It's broken, it's irrelevant, it's out of touch. Give me Miliband any day over Cameron, but what a shame we couldn't have a combination of Plaid Cymru, SNP and the Green party. Now that would deliver some real change, and I'm convinced a far better UK than we have currently.



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